Thursday, January 24, 2013


     We caught some virus, I guess. Cough and colds and aching muscles made me too weak to cook and to scribble anything for almost a week. All I could do was browse the net and plant seeds on my farm, while thinking of a nice recipe I could prepare when I get well. :-) I thought some fish and vegetables would be nice. 
     I was about to just fry the fish but then changed my mind when the first two fillets were already in the pan for frying. So this gratin was fried a little first before hitting the oven and it was good, well, to my taste and hubby's. After all, being fed with easy meals for days, mostly soups, boiled and steamed anything, this one comes as a treat. 
     One thing though, I should have layered the bread crumbs first, then the cheese to get its nice gratin look that I expected. But I have written the recipe in correct order anyway. So the next time I make this, I"ll be sure to get it right.

buttered veggies and gratin plaice


For plaice au gratin:
4 pcs of plaice fillets or any fleshy fish fillet
juice of a large lemon
salt and pepper
panko bread crumbs
grated cheese

For buttered veggies:
1 cup of corn kernels (I used the canned ones)
1 cup of cooked green peas
2 boiled carrots cut into small cubes (about a cup)
1 onion, finely chopped


Preheat the oven to 180C.

Mix together the lemon juice, about a teaspoon of salt and generous amount of pepper, then pour over the fish fillets.  I did this first before chopping the onions and cutting the carrots into cubes. This would give enough time to marinate the fish before hitting the pan.

In a shallow pan, melt about a small knob of butter, just enough to cover the pan. Fry each fillet for about a minute on each side. They will continue to cook in the oven later.

Lay the fillets in a baking dish, large enough to accomodate all four. Cover with a layer of panko, then grated cheese. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until the cheese is melted and lightly browned.

While the fish is baking, in the same pan over medium-low heat, melt another knob of butter.

Sautee the onion until it gets soft and opaque, not browned.

Add the corn, carrots and green peas.

Season with salt and pepper to taste. Toss for a few times and cook for about 5 minutes.

Serve hot with the fish.

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