Monday, January 28, 2013

spinach in cocomilk

     I just imagined this recipe as the native laing we used to have at home. With a little imagination and tweaking, there goes the finished product into our tummies tonight.

spinach in cocomilk
   My lab does not have all the ingredients this recipe needs so I experimented on what I have. I don't have shrimp paste but I have anchovy fillets in vegetable oil. I tried using tamarind paste instead of lemon juice and the outcome was good. 

     I find it almost traditional, for my family, at least, that any vegetable cooked in cocomilk is best served with fried fish. We have some fried mackerel that went with this for dinner.


600g frozen spinach
1 can coconut milk
about 10 fillets anchovies in vegetable oil (leave 2 fillets for garnish)
1 onion sliced
1 big plum tomato, sliced
3 cloves garlic finely chopped
a knob of ginger, sliced (about 2 inches)
2 hot dried chilis, deseeded
2 tablespoons of tamarind paste
fish sauce


In salted boiling water, thaw the spinach. Squeeze excess water. Set aside.

Saute the garlic until golden brown, in a tablespoon of oil.
Add the ginger, the chilis, the onion and the anchovies with the oil. The fillets will become paste with few stirring. At this point, add the tamarind paste. Stir for a few seconds.  

Add the cocomilk and let boil.

Add the well drained spinach and mix with the sauce. Adjust the taste with fish sauce. Simmer for 5 minutes. Garnish with shredded anchovy fillets. Serve hot with fried fish and steamed rice.

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