Friday, January 18, 2013

tilapia and mushroom in cream and tomato sauce

This is the first real dish that I've cooked for this year and posted in my album on facebook, "...into my tummy".  And if you'd care to notice, it was from the same album where I took this blog's title.

Anyway, it was mid week after the holidays, two more days before market day, and all I had in my refrigerator was a package of champignon mushroom, some left-over tomatoes in can and some left over cooking cream. I had two whole tilapia sitting in the freezer for a few days which I had intended to cook for New Year's Eve, but we changed our minds at the last minute and went out to a restaurant instead with friends.

I knew I had to cook those tilapias soon so I decided to make a light dish after feasting on the holidays which turned out to be a not-so-light dish as I've used some cream on it and fried the fish, which in the end, we sinfully feasted again. :)

tilapia and mushroom in cream and tomato sauce


2 whole clean tilapia (about 300g each)
one package (300g) fresh champignon mushroom, clean and quartered
2 medium peeled whole tomatoes (I used the canned ones)
about 2-3 Tbs. cooking cream (It's called panna da cucina here. I think it's the thin cream, the light one.)
2 cloves finely chopped garlic
salt and pepper to taste

How to:

I sprinkled salt and pepper generously over the clean fish on both sides and inside the cavities.

In a non-stick pan, I heated about 2 tablespoons oil and fried the fish for about two minutes on each side. The fish were not really cooked at this point (I did this just to keep the skin from tearing).  I set them aside.

In the same pan, I sauteed the garlic until fragrant. Added the peeled and crushed tomatoes. Stirred for a few seconds. Then added the mushrooms. Cooked for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

I added the cream and brought to a boil. Placed the not-so-cooked fried tilapia with the mushrooms and cooked for another 15 minutes, turning each on the other side once after about 5 minutes. As the fish were already sprinkled with salt and pepper, I did not adjust the taste anymore.

I served the fish and mushroom with hot steamed white rice.

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